Born in Palermo in 1980.
She began studying in the dance school directed by Marisa
At the age of 11, she was chosen to take part in
performances by Roland Petit's Ballet de Marseille company
in the "Leopard" in Palermo.
She studies in various International Dance Internships where
she is often noted and rewarded with scholarships. At the
age of 14, during an internship, she received the invitation
and a scholarship for a whole year from the same great
international dancer Rosella Hightower for her prestigious
Academy in France "École Supérieure de danse de
Cannes Rosella Hightower".
Later Maria go to be part of the prestigious French dance
school founded by the great world dancer and
choreographer Roland Petit “École Nationale de Danse ” Marseille.
Here she graduating with the muse / etoile of Roland Petit, Madame Dominique
At the age of 18 in 1999, an important experience with the
young dance company "Europa Danse Project" in Grasse
(France) founded by the art critic and director of opera Jean
Albert Cartier and the International etoile Hélène Trailine.
Here Maria studies with great masters like Monique Loudiere,
Riccardo Nunez and dances many roles as a prima ballerina
and soloist in the company tour between the Ariston theater of
Sanremo, at the Gardens of the Villa Ephrussi of Rothschild in
Saint Jean Cap Ferrat and in the Royal Gardens of the Palace of
Paris in the choreographies of the "Pas de Deux of the balcony
scene" by Romeo and Juliet in the version by Mac Millan,
"New Sleep" by Forsythe, "Paquita Pas de trois" version
Balanchine, "Synphony in D" by Kilian.
In 1999 received Maria first engagement as a soloist in the dance company of the
Düsseldorf Opera at the "Deutsche Oper Am Rehin".
In 2000 she was part of the theater company "La Scala di Milano" participating in tours
and shows with theater stars like Bolle, Murru, Ferri, Savignano,
In 2001 she took part in the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro in the opera "Le nozze di
Teti e di Peleo" directed by Pier Luigi Pizzi.

• "Giselle" cor. Patrice Bart,
• "The Nutcracker" cor E. Polyakov,
• "Le Sylphides",
• "Bayadere" cor. Florence Clerc,
• "Coppelia" cor. Charles Jude,
• "Sherazade" cor. George Iancu
• "Baroque Concert" cor. Balanchine

Here she dances in numerous repertoire productions, world premieres and tours Ballets:
1. Swan Lake (4 cygnets, Solo Tarantella, Spanish Princess, Spanish Dance) cor. Patrice Bart
2. The Nutcracker (Luisa, only Marquise) cor.Patrice Bart
3. Giselle (friends of Giselle, only Willis) cor. Patrice Bart
4. Das Flammende Herz (tarantella only) Cor.Patrice Bart
5. Serenade cor. Balanchine
6. Ballet Imperial cor. Balanchine
7. Onegin cor. John Cranko
8. Stamping Ground cor Jyri Kilian
9. Romeo and Juliet (Gipsy) cor. John Cranko
10. Ring um den Ring (Rheintochter) cor. Maurice Bejart
11. Cinderella (winter fairy) cor. Vladimir Malakhov
12. The Sleeping Beauty (canary fairy, cats) cor. Vladimir Malakhov
14. The 4 seasons cor. Vladimir Malakhov
15. La Peri cor. Vladimir Malakhov
16. The Spring Festival cor. Angelin Preljocaj
17. Snow White cor. Angelin Preljocaj
18. The Envelope cor. David Parson
19. Tchaikovsky cor. Boris Eifman
20. The Concert cor.Jerome and Robbins
21. Sylvia cor. Frederick Asthon
22. Max Bruch Violin concert cor. Clark Tippet9
23. Caravaggio cor. Mauro Bigonzetti
24. Alice in Wonderland cor. Giorgio Madia
25. The Sylphide cor. Peter Schaufuss
26. The Open Square cor. Itzik Galili
27. Peer Gynt cor. Heinz Spoerli
28.Namouna cor.AlexeyRatmansky
29. Esmeralda Cor. Vasily Medvedev and Yuri Burlaka
30. The Nutcracker Cor. Vasily Medvedev and Yuri Burlaka
31. Sleeping Beauty cor.Nacho Duato

Dance Projects and Events
DANCE & Coaching
There is a strong attraction to pass on what she has learned over the long years of experience and so she engages as a "coach" in preparing some fellow dancers for gala, competitions and shows, achieving excellent results.
In 2017 she is called by the Camaro Stiftung Foundation to close (finissage), the exhibition dedicated to the expressionist dancer of the 30s "Iris Barbura". A show dedicated to the extraordinary career and history of the visionary and futurist dancer interpreted by Maria Giambona and flanked by the famous pianist Michael Abramovich recreating a typical show of the 1930s and brought back to the present day.
DANCE FESTIVAL Co-director and designer
Since 2017 she is Co Director of the dance festival "International Youth Ballet Festival
Sicily" which takes place with great success in Palermo.
born from an idea of the dancer and coach MARIA GIAMBONA and the International
Master and Choreographer VALENTIN BARTES.
The two artists are the directors of this festival.
This event contains a wonderful exchange between different cultures, different technical
and artistic levels, the approach to a job similar to that of the great professional
companies, all united by a single passion: DANCE!The IYBFS festival has the power to
merge the precision and tenacity of dancers from Asian countries such as Japan and
Korea with the passion and creativity of Sicilian and Mediterranean dancers.

At the end of this experience the children experience an artistic and human enrichment
by discovering through dance as in a mirror the vision of art they are facing with such
dedication.Becoming dancers is certainly the path of a personal and introspective work
as well as an innate gift, but which often needs
external comparisons to stimulate oneself to
improve or simply admire and be amazed,
looking at those who have the most potential
in this wonderful art form .
Being part of something, of an event a group
or a show gives way to understanding and
working also on oneself.
FASHION - Catwalk director
In addition to dance, she participates for more than 4 seasons as a choreographer and director for fashion shows for FashionWeek in Berlin.